Monday, October 23, 2006

Lawman of Prairie Dog Flats book2

We retun to Prairie Dog flats and the Sutter ranch


Distraught Abigail went to her parent’s house after the social. She sat in the back of the wagon with her brothers who couldn’t stop talking about Jasmine. The Sutter ranch was fifteen miles from Prairie Dog Flats. Tom Sutter had made a living selling horses to fort and recently had been involved with buying cattle in Texas and moving them to the railhead in Dodge to be sent east. He kept some cattle of his own to sell once fattened up.He had fifteen permanent hired hands and hired drovers for the cattle drives. It was a small ranch but kept his family fed and money in the Prairie Dog Bank. Tom and the boys had chores before turning in while Abigail and her mother sat on the porch.” Abigail was now embarrassed on how she had fought with Ruby at the social.” Why Sean would be talking to that woman when he was there with me. Her mother wanted to know just what the relationship was with Sean. Abigail told her everything as she always had. “So Kitten you visited his room at night and he never came to yours.” “It was always me ma always me.” Kitten you have to let a man chase you until you catch him, if you can understand that.” Abigail wiped a tear and said “I don’t know I have such feelings for the man.”” Are you in love with him?” Abigail thought” I think so mom.” Well if he is the man meant for you he will come to you when the time comes, he is not committed to you and has a right to talk or see other woman.”” I am not going to give up this time mom, not this time...” “I know you have been hurt in the past kitten, and don’t want it to happen again.” “Listen kitten Sean is a good man but still a man, when he is ready I am sure he will come to you.” Abigail gave her mother a big hug and told her she loved her.Tom came to the porch and said “Hey kitten me and the boys are going to have some more corn, want to join us?” Abigail stuck out her tongue and said”Yuk!” Tom laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek.”You gave that woman a whooping Kitten, I remember you tussling with your brothers.” Abigail smiled “maybe I will have a sip dad.” A cowpoke rode up “Tom we have all the horses put away!” He looked at Abigail and said “Hello there miss.” The cowboy was tall in the saddle and had blue black hair and a tan face from being in the Kansas sun. Tom told Him” This is my daughter Abigail Harry; she left home before you signed on.” “Abigail this is Harry Townsend our foreman and head wrangler.” Abigail smiled and said” Glad to meet you Harry I hope my Dad is good to you.” Sure is ms, he is the aces.” Tom said “want to come in for a tug of corn Harry?” Harry was still staring at Abigail”Oh! Sure Tom I would like that.” Tom turned and winked at his wife.

Good Company

They all went in and took off their boots. Hank, Seth and Harry Townsend sat down sat at the big table covered with a laced linen .Abigail’s Mother had lit the oil lamps in the room. Tom brought a Corn Whiskey Jug out to everyone. Hope you like the whiskey Harry we make it ourselves. Since there was a guest Abigail’s Mother brought out glasses. Tom Asked “Where’s Kitten?” “She is in the kitchen but will be joining you.” Seth went to take a sip from the jug and his mother advised him to use a glass. Give me your gun belt Harry “Abigail’s Mother asked. Harry stood up and removed the gun belt and gave it to her. She hung it up on a wall post along with others. She went into the kitchen and told Abigail “Harry is a nice young man and is a great help on the ranch Handsome isn’t he?” He’s nice was all Abigail said.” Go out with the company kitten unless you are too tired.” Abigail went into the room with the men. She sat across the table from Harry. “Tom tells me you teach school Abigail.” “I have for two years Mr. Townsend.” “Please my father is not here, you can call me Harry everyone else does.” Abigail Smiled” Sure Harry pleased to meet you.” Abigail is twenty two Harry, and smart as can be.” Tom related. Abigail mumbled” Dad!” “Your hair is the color of a Prairie Fire Abigail it is sure pretty.” Abigail blushed. Tom told him” she has her mothers green eyes and her hair use to be red also. Hank nudged Abigail with his foot. Abigail took a sip of the whiskey thinking ‘just a small sip that’s all.” Abigail give us a song, you didn’t at the social. Abigail was beginning to feel the whiskey in her belly again. She never really drank but when the Sutters got together the jug always came out for reunions. She took another sip and said “alright.” Abigail cleared her throat and sang a beautiful song about an Indian princess. Harry was mesmerized, Abigail was a beautiful woman and could sing to boot. She was also his Bosses daughter so he must be careful. Abigail finished and took a graceful bow. The men all clapped. The group drank from the jug and enjoyed each other’s company. Tom said why you youngsters don’t sit on the porch and talk we men are going to turn in. Hank said “I am not tired Dad.” Tom kicked him under the tabled and Hank remarked “oh!” Behave yourself Harry Her mother will wait up and she knows how to use a shotgun!” They all laughed.

Blue Moon

The moon was full and the light shown on the porch in a bluish glare. Harry told Abigail all about himself and how he wanted to have a ranch of his own. He had learned a lot from tom and her brothers.” “They treat me like a son and brother Abigail, I am very happy here.” When the other drivers left Tom asked me to stay. I soon became a foreman.Abigail with her eyes still watery from the whiskey said” My father has good judgment. “You don’t mind if I come to town for your father if I look you up?” Abigail told him” Don’t go to the school please , but I wouldn’t mind you coming to Belles Rooming house on Front Street, If I am not there leave a note with Belle. Abigail new this was really forward of her but she liked Harry and he made her feel wanted again. If Sean wanted her she would be there, but he would have to chase her as other men would have too. “I hope I haven’t kept you up Abigail as it is getting late.” She put her hand on his and said.” please stay a bit as I have had a rough day and I am not really tired. She was and a little effected by the whiskey also but liked this man. The light went out in the front room as her mother was going to bed...” My father really trusts you Harry or they would never leave us alone out here.” “And I will not betray him either Abigail.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She pulled away and then closed her eyes and kissed him on the mouth. They spent a long time out on the porch holding hands and kissing. He told her he really had to go as he had horses to round up in the morning. They stood up and she realized how tall he was. She stood up on her toes and he bent down and kissed her once more. He reached in his pocket and brought out a small rabbits foot and gave it to her. I always have had luck with this.” “I met you.” If you ever want to think of me just rub it and I will know.” She clutched it to her breast and said “I will Harry I promise.” He got on his horse and rode away towards the bunkhouse and Abigail wished she was going with him. She went inside the house and closed the door. She leaned against the wall in the darkened room and sighed. Upstairs her mother who was waiting until Abigail came in and smiled to herself

Abigail Returns

Early Monday Morning Tom Sutter had Abigail back at Belles in time for breakfast. When she entered everyone was at the table, and welcomed her home. Sean asked where she went after the social. She ignored him for awhile and then after Belle brought her breakfast and sat down she told the group she had been at her father’s ranch. She wanted to apologize for her behavior at the social.” “Well” Belle laughed “you will give the town something to talk about for quite a time.” “Great right hook Abigail.” Sean added. Abigail gave no notice to Sean remark. She wanted badly to talk to Sean but remembered her mother’s advice. Sean would have to win her over. She felt the rabbit’s foot in her pocket and smiled. Belle told her the mayor would bring up Jasmine being a teacher at the meeting Tuesday night. She told her Cal was moving out and had a job at the new Fargo office. Jasmine told her of the stage bringing her mothers cash box today and how the kitchen was going to be built for her mother. Sean watched Abigail’s lips as they parted too talk and felt a stirring within him. She indeed was a remarkable looking woman. He knew she was mad because he had let Ruby put his hand on her breast. He thought he had better be careful around Abigail if he ever would have her warm his bed again. ”Oh Jasmine you made quite an impression on my brothers I suppose they will be making excuses to come to town.” Jasmine lowered her head and smiled. She then looked at Abigail and told her Hank and Seth were perfect gentlemen. She would welcome their attention, but don’t tell them that. Abigail remembered her mother’s advice and knew what Jasmine meant. Abigail went to her room and put on fresh clothes and fixed her hair in a bun. Sean got up from the table and put on his gun belt. He looked up at the stairs and saw Abigail was not coming right down. He said Adios to everyone and left to begin his tour of the town

A Month Goes By

A month went by in Prairie Dog Flats and it was September. The stage had brought the cash box for Mrs. Slayton. The kitchen was constructed and a creative person had made her a sign; it read The Lisa’s Kitchen, Lisa was her first name. Business was good and she hired Sandy to come in to make a little money cleaning the cutlery .Sean figured The Deputy pay Sandy was getting wasn’t much and he liked Sandy. He told him he could take a couple of hours in the evening if he wasn’t needed to work there. Jasmine was made a teacher at the Schoolhouse. The older boys and one of the older girls found her a spicy element to their school life. Cal had moved into the Wells Fargo office and really liked the job. Another Chinese family had moved into town beside Chen Lees and sold meat they bought from ranchers and butchered. Their name was Tong , there was a mother who was always bowing ,the father a bull of a man named Tao and a strapping son named Li Mrs. Slayton bought the cut steaks at a good enough price she did not have to hire someone to cut them at the Kitchen. A Preacher who had an eye for the ladies moved into Belles. He would make his money from donations for words he would say at funerals and for the preaching he did at the town meeting hall on Sunday. His name was Deacon Joshua Stern, though Sean wondered if that was his real name. Sean looked through his wanted posters as he had a feeling about this preacher with the wandering eye. A young woman named Molly Gallant, Whose husband renegade Indians had killed when she moved to Dodge from Tennessee last year came to Prairie Dog and got a job At Emma’s dress shop. Emma called her peaches because of her wonderful complexion. Emma introduced her to Belle and she moved into Mrs. Slayton’s old room. Telegraph wires were being strung on poles just outside the town and would reach Prairie Dog in a week or two. A pole would be put outside the Prairie Dog Telegraph as the editor was hired to work the keys. Sean and Abigail barely spoke at the tables Belle set and Sean wondered where she got the rabbits foot she was always rubbing during meals. The owner of the Wild horse had been threatened by a couple of strangers, and told if he said anything to the sheriff he was dead.Most of the drifters found themselves at the last Chance or losing their Polk at Queenies.Some caused trouble in town and either was arrested or asked to leave town buy Sean or Billy.Sean and Billy kept going together to Queenies to have each other’s back and to be entertained by Ruby and Laura Lee. Laura Lee was now asked to sit at tables and talk to any Gentlemen of wealth .She was paid a dollar if they ended up at the gambling tables. Billy did not like this, but he could never bring himself to argue with her.Jesse Cartwright’s ranch was giving Tom Sutter’s ranch some competition. Tom wondered where he was getting his cattle and horses.Harry had not come to town as Tom kept him very busy, but he promised himself he would go Abigail and hope she remembered him.Mai Lee was bringing the little opium packages to the last chance and some were now given to Slade to bring to Jessie’s office at Queenies. Joaquin made sure the surly customers at the last chance did not even curse when Mai Lee who he called flower came with the packages. And we return to our story

Honer Amongst Thieves

It was mid afternoon at the Last Chance Saloon. The usual bunch of unsavory characters was there. Joaquin and his band of Cutthroats were sitting in a darkened corner in the rear of the saloon. There were a couple of drifters at the bar drinking. One was especially noteworthy. He was all in buckskins and wore a hat with a feather in it. There were scalp locks dangling from his gun belt and one looked fresh. He had a scruffy beard and a long scar running from his ear to his mouth. His eyes were dark as coal. He was a large man with huge meaty hands. He even made Slade nervous even in this den of scoundrels’ was drinking corn whiskey and complaining about the price. He was complaining about everything soldiers Lawmen Indians and Mexicans, especially Mexicans. Joanquin paid him no heed they were to busy planning to steal some horses from across the Arkansas River. Texas Rose was hiding in her room hoping Slade would not sell her time to the monster at the bar. A small shadow was in the doorway and Mai Li walked up to the bar and handed Slade her little packages. Slade paid her and told her to skedaddle home as fast as she could. Before Mai could turn to leave the monster grabbed her.” Well look what we got here a china woman!” You allow all sorts in here, don’t you? Do you serve Indians as well? He snarled racial epitaphs at her and ripped open her black shirt exposing her breast. He tried to kiss her but she spit in his face. Joanquin heard the commotion and looked towards the bar. He could not believe what he saw. He quickly went to the bar. The monster pushed Mai Lee to the ground and put his boot on her back.“What do you want, this is mine you can have her when I am through.” Joanquin walked towards him. The monster yelled I will skin you alive and then take her. He pulled out the big bowie knife that had been on his belt. It gleamed even in the darkened saloon.The band of outlaws brought out their guns.” Put your guns away my friends this man needs to die and I don’t want my little flower shot.”” We will fight man to man.” “If you win and kill me as you must kill me they will let you leave without the girl.” he whispered to Poncho “If he wins cut off his head then shoot him Joanquin asked Poncho “ Give me your beautiful knife. Poncho gave the ever present knife he had in his belt to Joanquin He took of his beautiful jacket that was emblazoned with a wild horse and scrolling on the sleeves. As soon as the monster took his foot of the trembling Mai Lee was crying at the foot of the bar and Joanquin men helped her up. She covered her breast with her arms. They ran towards each other and each grabbed the others knife hand. They knocked over tables and chairs. Slade went for a shotgun incase Joanquin was killed. They finally fell on the floor together and on the way down Joanquin got his knife hand free and stabbed the monster in the stomach. The monster had enough power to slice at his foe. He nicked Joanquin cheek and blood began to trickle .Joanquin stabbed him repeatedly and great pools of blood ran on the floor. Joanquin stood up and spit on the now lifeless form.” Someone get this peace of shit out of here. Bury his head and body in two different places. Two of the band picked up the heavy beast and took him out to a wagon.” Someone clean up this mess.” Joanquin went over to Mai and Said “my poor little flower I am so sorry I should have known you were coming this day. She looked up at this man who had just saved her life and ran her hand along the scratch on his face. ”Joanquin you are hurt.” I will be at the door the next time you come little one.” I will personally take you home. She looked into his eyes and said” I owe you my life and I want to stay with you.” Joanquin told her she must go home as he had things to do, they will talk about it some other time. She reached up and pulled his face towards hers. She gently kissed him on the lips. This man of violence felt warm in his heart. He put her behind him on his great horse and they rode to her home. She went in with Joaquin’s jacket covering her and was met by her father. She told how a monster of a man had attacked her and would have had a fate worse then any death. She told how Joanquin had slain the beast. Chan went out to the horseman and gave him his Jacket.” This is Mai’s I have another and gave it back.” You are great man Joanquin and a friend. “I don’t need friends Amigo; I just don’t want anything to happen to my little flower.” If someone bothers her let me know and they will wish they were dead. He kicked his horses flanks and rode away.

Rose and Sean

Sean on his patrol went into the Last Chance Saloon. Even with the dim light he noticed a wide red stain on the floor. He looked at Slade and asked “Where did that blood stain come from?” Slade with bravado told him the Mexicans had slaughtered a pig there and left with it.” Where are Joaquin and his men?” Slade Said” I told you they took a slaughtered pig somewhere. They said after they feast they are going to try to get work on a railroad gang; Lots of work for the able bodied. Sheriff.”Slade you are a liar and if anyone turns up missing I will be all over you.” Texas Rose came over and leaned her body against Sean. “Ten cents will buy you some time Sheriff!” Rose’s eyes had large pupils of an addict. Sean could smell opium.” I hope they give you a square deal here Rose, I surely do.” Sean put money on the bar and bought Rose some tequila. Rose, come over to a table with me. ”Only if you have a drink with me.”Rose remarked .Sean bought Tequila as the beer in the last chance was terrible. Sean chose a table where it was dark. Most of the saloon was dark as they would not light many lamps. The clientele did not like to be seen. “Rose you should really get out of this, I know these bastards can’t be giving you a fair deal.” I have had no complaints from people so you have heeded my words and not taken your customers poke. Rose just sipped on the tequila and looked into Sean’s eyes. Sean had an effect on most women.” Sheriff you have wonderful eyes.” Rose was feeling the results of Opium and the tequila. Rose I could maybe get you a job in town or even maybe you could work at Queenies. ”Can I have another Tequila Sheriff?” Sean got a bottle and they talked some more.” Do you know what Joaquin has been up too Rose. ”Oh he really has a nice side.” They drank and Rose was really getting intoxicated. She said’ He saved that little woman, bravest thing I have seen.” She told him of Mai and the monster and how Joaquin had saved her. Sean remembered the stain on the floor and imagined what the scene must have been.” Was Mai alright Rose?” She was shaken and JoaquinGave her his coat also” “Forget you told me Rose.” “Are you going to arrest him Sheriff?” Rose sometimes even a bad man does some good.” If Slade went to my office I would have let it be.’ Sometimes Joaquin buys my time and he is gentle.” A couple of drifters came in and went to the bar. Does the Doctor visit you Rose, you know check on you.” No, he doesn’t sheriff.” “I will have a talk with him.” Sean held her hand” Rose I really want you to think about other work, please come into to my office if you change your mind.” Sean had helped many a prostitute in Brooklyn and he felt Rose was too fragile for this life. He would try to get her away from the Opium and wanted to know who was supplying it to her. Sean knew she was Pearl and since Wyatt did not care if He brought her back he would drop the subject on it and tell no one. Sean wished her well and went to the bar to talk to Slade. ”Tell Joaquin next time he slaughters a pig he should do it outside he put fifty cents on the bar for the bottle and left. One of the drifters went and sat with Rose

Sun Tong

Sean went to Chan Lee’s and found Mai outside hanging laundry on lines to dry. A Chinese young man was talking with her.” I Mai!” he said. Hello Sheriff, this is Sun Tong he lives near us. His family cuts beef and sells it in town.”He told Mai he knew all about what happened at the Last Chance. He warned her about Joanquin. ”He is a very dangerous man Mai, and I don’t want you to get hurt.” You should make friends with someone your age such as Sun.” Sun smiled and looked at Mai. ”Come with me inside Mai, I need you to interpret for me with your father. Sean went inside with Mai and had her tell her father he wanted to look around. Chan became angry and did not want the sheriff to go in back. Sean brushed by him and first found a room where Mai’s mother was washing clothes in a large wooden tub. There was a small furnace where she heated up an iron. He went on to another room and found a cowboy on a small cot asleep. There was an opium pipe and a candle in a small table. There were other cots in two other rooms. Chan came out and Chan was yelling at him.” No need to translate “Mai!” Sean advised. She put her hand over her mouth to suppress a laugh. He told Sun it was nice to meet him and mounted his horse and trotted off. Mai went back to hanging the clothes and Sun helped her.

A Jezabel

Sean had an idea; He rode to the Wild Horse Saloon. It was late in the afternoon and business had picked up. Ever since the stage line had come to Prairie Dog Flats, people ventured to the town .People that disliked the usual clientele of the Last Chance and the high prices of Queenies, quenched their thirst and have sandwiches at the Wild Horse. Abe Coleman was telling tales of Prairie Dog flats when indeed all it had was prairie dogs. Deacon Stern was drinking tequila with Luke Potter who had a break from the bank. Three tables had cowpokes playing cards and discussing the railroad and Stagecoach possibilities for work. Sean walked in and went to the bar.” Howdy, Rufus!” Shawn said to the owner behind the bar. I have an idea I wanted to tell you about .Rufus asked what it could be to bring him here specially.” Well Rufus I know business has really picked up and with making the sandwiches and tending the bar he might need some help.” Well I was thinking about it Sean, but I don’t think I can afford it. Sean went on” How about you supply a small room out back throw in grub and maybe five dollars a week?” The person could clean the place, make the sandwiches, run errands and tend the bar when you need her.” Her?” Rufus looked puzzled.” I know a sweet girl hard on her luck who needs a chance.” Who could that be Sheriff, the saloon is tame compared to the other two but it has its moments.’ have you heard of Texas Rose?” Rufus opened his eyes wide and his jaw dropped” You mean the whore at the last Chance?” “I don’t need a whore, they just bring trouble.” Rufus consider it a favor to me, and I will ride her out of town if she causes problems.” Everyone deserves one chance Rufus.” Abe overheard and said” I have heard about Texas Rose she never comes out of the Last Chance, a cowboy said he had bought some of her time for twenty five cents and it was a bargain.” Rufus hire the gal it will give your place a little more to offer, a woman I mean someone to help out.” They laughed. The good Deacon said “A Jezebel, Satan’s daughter, nothing good can come of it.” with that he ordered another Tequila. Sean asked” Doesn’t the Lord say love your neighbor and forgive them?” She needs to come to my Sunday readings at the town hall sheriff.” And make sure she has a donation Deacon?” well the town needs a separate meeting house Sheriff so I can save the flock.” Sean returned his attention to Rufus” Rufus it’s a big favor and I will clean her up before she comes here.” ”Ok Sean, bring her over in a couple of days and I will show her what to do, and what not to do.”He grinned. Sean shook his hand and ordered a beer. He hoped he was doing the right thing.

Time to Move Rose

Sean rode out to the Last Chance. He was never one to put off things. He tied his horse up beside three other horses on the hitching post. A cowboy he had not seen before was standing outside and was whittling on a piece of wood.” Howdy Sheriff!” The man said, and then spit some tobacco out on the ground. Sean acknowledged him by nodding. Rose was at a table with two cowboys who were buying her drinks. Slade warned Sean.” Sheriff if you want to see Rose you will have to buy time from her!” Sean ignored him. He walked over to the table and told Rose “Rose I have good news for you.” Slade was yelling “Rose stay where you are,” Sheriff I am going to complain to the mayor about you!” One of the men a very ugly man scolded Sean. Sheriff I am buying her time and spent money on the tequila, I would appreciate it if you ran along.” Sean looked at the full bottle of tequila on the table.” Rose you are under arrest you have to come with me to the jail” The man looked at Sean and remarked’ what the hell are you arresting her for asshole.” “Sean punched the man in the stomach and doubled him over.” She is guilty of bad judgment.” The man sat down holding his stomach. The second man went to get up and Sean put his hand on his big colt.” Sit with your stupid friend cowboy if you know what’s healthy for you. Slade was pounding the bar with his fist. “If Joaquin was here you would be dead asshole!” Sean ignored him.” Go get your belongings Rose!”Rose looked astonished and said” I am wearing my belongings.” Sean looked in disbelief; she was wearing a tattered soiled dress that was so threadbare you could see she wore no undergarments. He picked up the Tequila put the cork in it and took Rose by the arm. He backed out of the saloon amidst a torrent of curses from Slade and the two men. The man outside spit some tobacco and said” Hello Rose, hope you didn’t kill someone.” And then he laughed. Sean got on his horse and pulled Rose up behind him.” Hold on Rose.”They rode back into town.

Dress Up

It was near sundown when Sean rode by Belles. Abigail and Jasmine were sitting on the porch and there jaws dropped.”Sean has a half naked woman on the back of his horse Jasmine.” Abigail said in disbelief. Jasmine always the optimist said” He must have arrested her.” They believed that until they stopped outside Emma’s dress shop. Abigail thought” He never took me to the dress shop.” and she rubbed the present rabbits foot. Emma was in the shop with Belle and Molly Gallant. Rose didn’t want to come in but Sean would not let her go. The three woman stared at this young woman who was dirty wore the tattered and torn dress”Honey, did Sean drag you behind his horse?” Sean told them all about how Rose was almost a slave at the Last chance. He told them of his plan and said Rose was really a nice person who had made bad choices .He told all, leaving out about Dodge and her real name .Emma asked “How can we help sheriff?” Well I would like to get her some things to wear. Nothing very expensive, Emma” And please something to wear under her clothes.” I have a job for her at the wild horse so nothing too fancy.” Sean she would look great cleaned up a bit, Abe will surely keep an eye on her.” remarked Belle with a wink. Emma picked out a lovely yellow dress and brown shoes. There was a yellow bonnet that Belle picked out Molly brought out some pants with a belt and a white blouse that was a little revealing.” It’s for riding Honey.” Sean picked out some boots “can’t have you ruining those shoes in the Prairie Dog Flats Mud.” Emma came out with a wrapped package.” These are girl things Rose; they go under your clothes. Rose was all excited and wanted to try things on. Belle said” Take her over the rooming house and use the bath Rose and handed her some soap. Rose kissed each one on the cheek, and a tear came from running down her face.” Sean, where is she staying?” I am putting her up at the jail in a cell.” Belle said “You are not Sean!” and she told Rose she could stay at the rooming house until she went to the Wild Horse. ”Molly thought then said” You can stay in my room Rose I have two cots. Emma went into the back room and brought out some bed clothes. In the fall it gets cold Rose.” Emma said thinking of Rose shivering. Sean told them he would meet them at Belles after he brought his horse to the stable.

Splish Splash

Emma, Rose, Belle and Molly entered the rooming house. Abigail and Jasmine were nudging each other. Belle explained everything to them while Molly prepared the bath which was a wooden tub kept in its own room. Abigail and Jasmine took a liking to Rose.” She is hardly older then my oldest student” Abigail Remarked.” How old are you Rose?”” I think I am twenty three.” “I think you added a few years.” Abigail said with a snicker. ”Rose! Your bath is ready.” Molly yelled from the room with the tub. Emma handed her some soap and said” Wash away all your bad dreams dear, you are safe now.Abigail took her to the room and showed her where the towels were she gave her the new pants and blouse. She gave her the undergarments and said don’t forget to put these on.” Rose smiled. Mollie had heated water in a pot that hung in the fireplace. The tub was steaming. Rose could not wait and took off her clothes. Abigail took the tattered dress and told Rose to relax in the tub. When Abigail returned Sean had entered the house.” I will make more for the dinner plate; we have to fatten the girl up a little.” Sean told Belle how wonderful it was of her to help someone she did not know. Belle shrugged it off “She is a poor soul in need of help.” Molly went upstairs to prepare the cot for Rose. Abigail went with Belle to the kitchen to help prepare the dinner. Abe came in and slapped Sean on the back” “I hear you stole Slade’s whore Sean, and he is looking for her, he was down to the Sheriffs office and the wild horse.” “She is not a whore anymore Abe you can put that out to pasture.” Sean went upstairs to change and hang up his gun He wanted to be home tonight. There was a scream downstairs; Sean grabbed the Colt and rain as fast as he could downstairs. Belle Molly Jasmine and Molly were all standing around Abe had a towel in his hand, there’s a young lady in the tub and when I went in she stood up.Sean asked" Was she clean?" they all laughed.

Rose came out in her new pants and blouse. Belle laughed.” You look wonderful honey, but take off the boots” Rose had completed the change and put on her new boots. Rose took off the boots and put them beside the others by the door. They all sat and ate special meal Belle had made. There was potatoes’ chicken and greens. Fresh bread was on the table. Nothing was mentioned of Roses past and Rose endeared herself to them all. She admitted she could not read and Jasmine offered some time at night to help her. Molly asked Rose to come to her room so she could give her bedding and have some girl talk. Sean went upstairs and Abigail came behind him.” Sean maybe sometime we should talk.” Sean asked if she wanted to come in. Abigail told him she needed time to think. They went to their assigned rooms.

Sandy goes on Patrol

At The sheriffs office in the morning Sean put the tequila bottle he had gotten from the Last Chance in his desk drawer. Sandy was busy sweeping. The door opened and in walked the mayor and the circuit judge.”Sean” the mayor began,” We have complaints from the last chance saloon and the Chan at the laundry. They say you are bullying them and Slade says you stole a whore. The judge wanted Sean fired, and said so vehemently. Sandy looked up a couple of times but kept up his sweeping. The Judge told the mayor “I want him fired and run out of town.The Judge turned and left mumbling about Sean. Sean asked the mayor if he wanted his badge.” Hell no Sean, the town is growing and needs protection. I knew when I hired you what kind of lawman you were. If I fired you the decent townsfolk would have me out of office. The mayor left and Sean took out the Tequila and a small glass and poured some in it. Sandy asked Sean if he could do a patrol.” I will let you do some of the town. I will let you do The Wild horse and business’s south of Chan’s laundry. I want you to be careful though.” Yes sir sheriff I won’t let you down. Sean never had trouble in those places though the Wild Horse had its moments. Sean advised him to go on patrol and he would check out north of Chan’s. Sandy put on his hat and was walking towards the door and Sean with a grin said” Sandy put on your gun!” Sandy was proud to be a deputy in the town and wanted to do a good job. Sean put the bottle away and read the Prairie Dog Flats Telegraph. Editor Mr. Farley wrote about the stage line and the telegraph that was coming. He mentioned several businesses in town .Mentions were made of Queenies and The Wild Horse, none of the Last Chance. The day was uneventful though Sandy had arrested a man cowboy at the Wild Horse for creating a disturbance. He was drunk and Sean told Sandy to let him sleep it off.

Beer and Sandwiches

Friday came and Sean rode Rose on the back of his horse to the Wild horse. She was in her new white blouse and pants. Her boots had been polished. Rufus had not been prepared for the way Rose looked.” This is Texas Rose Rufus, she is eager to work. There were two cowboys, the deacon and a man wearing a derby at sitting at tables.” If you have any problems let me know Rufus and again I thank you.” Rufus was still staring at Rose. I will give you ten dollars a week Rosen and some grub.” You can sleep in a back room if you want. Rose smiled and told him she would be a good employee. When Sean left he noticed the deacon staring at Rose. Rufus showed Rose how to make sandwiches, and where all the liquor was stored. While Rose was making sandwiches the man with the derby went over and talked with Rose. He was in town interested in buying wheat from various farmers.” You’re the prettiest gal this side of the big Arkansas miss.” My name is Lawrence Talbot and I buy and sell grain.” Want a sandwich Mr. Talbot, they sure are good.” no young lady but a beer would be fine. Rose looked at Rufus and he nodded yes. She poured him a beer in a glass .rose was really delightful to talk to and no one would imagine her doing the things she had to do before at the Last Chance., all except the deacon who was muttering under his breathe, ”Satan’s Child.” The day went on and Rufus was very pleased with Rose. In the afternoon people started coming to the saloon .Men came in for sandwiches and beer, cowboys and gentlemen alike. Abe came in and started a checker game with a cowpoke. Abe loved checkers. The regulars all noticed the new addition to the saloon. Some of the strangers struck up conversations with Rose. Sandy came in on his patrol and went to the bar where Rose was standing.” You must be Rose, my name is Sandy and I am a deputy in town!” They were close to the same age and Rose smiled and said.” I truly no I am safe Deputy, with you here.” “Are there any problems today Rufus?” Rufus shook his head no. Abe looked up from the checker board and thought Rose would have plenty of admirers, including him. Sandy finished his beer and advised Rose he would be back tomorrow. Rufus did a fine business and knew having Rose there helped a great deal.

Reach for the sky

It was Friday in a small farming town just west of Wichita, Joaquin and his band had failed to get the horses they wanted to steal and decided on robbing a bank, the farming community of Little Fork was ripe for the taking. They all had flour sacks with eye holes cut out to put over their head when they went in. This was not the first bank they had robbed. Joaquin liked the small banks in farming communities as the townsfolk seldom pursued them and a few shots would deter them. They road into the town and three of the desperado’s sat on there horses across the street from the bank. Joaquin and the rest put on the flour bags and entered. There was a counter and a teller talking with a woman .She was there to see about a loan. The banker was at a desk behind the counter going through mortgages. ”Reach for the sky!” Joaquin barked “And no one will get hurt. Joaquin motioned with his pistol for the woman to step aside. He gave the teller a saddle bag and told him to fill it. The teller put in all the cash he had into the saddle bag. Poncho went behind the counter and pointed his gun at the banker” Open the safe Amigo!” The banker fumbled with the combination and Poncho kicked him. When it finally was opened Poncho took two bags of gold. Joaquin told one of his men to take the woman until they reached the hill outside of town.” Can I keep her?” asked a bandit.” She will slow us down amigo!” The leader answered. The three outside had been watching an old man with a sheriff’s badge talking with a farmer outside the bank. When The Bandits with the woman came out she saw the sheriff and screamed. The sheriff drew his weapon but was cut down with a fusillade of bullets from the three on horseback. The farmer was shot in the leg. Joaquin pushed the woman to the ground and told his men to mount up. People came out of the shops near the banks and only one had an old powder and ball rifle. Poncho shot the farmer with the rifle. Joaquin started yelling orders in Spanish and they rose in a cloud of dusk out of town. People ran over to the woman and the farmer who was wounded and no one talked of a posse. There was five thousand dollars in the saddle bag, a good day for the bandits.

Damn You

That night Rose was missed at the dinner table.” How is Rose?” Abigail asked Sean. “My deputy says she is doing fine.” Abe added “She has made a lot of friends there except that preacher man who complains she is a distraction and giving men evil thoughts. Molly asked “Why can’t she stay here with me?” Not right for a lady to be sleeping in a saloon at night.” Belle had no objection but added Rose should share some cost with the room towards the extra food and board. Molly was happy with that and asked if she could go to the wild horse and tell her after dinner. Belle told her it would be fine. Sean told Molly he would accompany her to the saloon so the owl hoots that could be there would not bother her. Molly had a mare at the stable and Sean would pick it up. Abigail asked Sean why he had gone through all the trouble. Sean wanted everyone to know.” I have seen a lot of unfortunate woman in back east, abandoned by family and society. They suffered the elements and cruelty from others. I took it on myself to help the ones who I could. Abigail asked Sean to pick up her horse Goldie as she would like to also visit Rose. Sean told her she would have the people talking again being a school teacher and going to a saloon.” They already talk after the social so what’s the difference.” Abe laughed and said “Tell her what time she should bathe I would hate to walk in on her again.” They all laughed and Sean whispered to Abigail? I bet!” After dinner Sean retrieved the horses and had them saddled. They trotted to the Wild Horse saloon and found quite a few horses tied up outside. When they entered Rose was behind the bar and several cowboys were talking with her. Rufus was sitting at a table with a couple of gents. They all sat at a table and Sean went and got three beers. Molly never touched hers but Abigail sipped on hers. Rose came over to the table and said hello. Molly told her of the plan and Rose liked it but had no money yet.” Rose I will help you for a week then you can pay me a dollar a week and help Belle when you can.” Molly was determined. Sean advised either he or Billy would pick her up at night and bring her to Belles. Rose agreed and talked for a minute or two but the cowpokes at the bar were calling for her.” Rufus told me I had to work until ten at night Sean.” No problem Rose and I will have Sandy bring you in the morning. She was happy with that as she was worried Slade would get her. She went back to the bar and the cowboys kept up a conversation with her. Sweet walked in and saw the group and joined them after getting a beer from Rose.” Sure is busy in here Sheriff. Sean told him to pick up Rose tonight and bring her to Belles. Also the fact he wanted Sandy to take her to the saloon in the morning.” Sandy talks about her the entire time sheriff I think she had an effect on him.” Sandy is a good lad Sweet’” Sean answered. After his beer Billy went back on his patrol. Sean had to join Billy on the patrol when they went to the Last Chance and Queenies so he told them they had to leave. Abigail wanted to spend some time with Sean and asked if she could meet them at Queenies. Sean did not like the idea but Abigail had no school in the morning as it would be Saturday. Sean told her it was up to her and took they went to the door saying goodbye to Rose. On the way out the good deacon was coming in. He looked at the ladies and murmured something about damnation and Abigail said “Damn you also!”

Abigail goes to Queenies

Abigail went home with Molly. She asked if Abigail would be alright. ”Sure wills Molly, after all Sean would be coming along with Billy. Abigail put on her riding clothes and combed her hair out of the bun. She put the rabbits foot in a drawer. She would not want to let either of her interest, Sean or her fathers foremen stray to far. She did not want to sit home and wait for them to ask her to go anywhere besides her mothers advice.” Men are stubborn animals and need to be given the proper path she thought while laughing to herself. Besides I have to save him from that harlot Ruby. at nine that night she gave Goldie free reign and galloped out to Queenies. Sean’s horse was in the corral and Billie’s was tied to the hitching post. She unsaddled Goldie and putting it with others that were eon the ground and put Goldie in the corral. She hugged Goldie and told her to watch out for the stallions in there. There were a few gents with ladies getting out of splendid carriages A few cowpokes were standing outside. One man dressed in black with a pistol slung low in a holster greeted her.” Well hello young lady, welcome to Queenies.” Chad admired this woman with the flaming hair.” And a fine evening to you kind sir. She replied. Abigail entered Queenies
Jacks or Better
Abigail entered Queenies and immediately got attention from several men. Sean and Billy were at a far corner. When Abigail came over Sean pulled out a chair for her. Billy has to leave soon Abigail to pick up Rose “If you want to stay I will remain.” Abigail remarked how busy Queenies was. Laura Lee could be heard singing on the stage to loud clapping. Sean and Billy were drinking glasses of beer. Laura Lee came over after the song and sat down with them. Billy and Laura Lee talked while she held Billie’s hand. Billy asked her if she wanted to go riding on Sunday. She told him she did not have a horse and did not ride well. Billy told her he would rent a carriage and take her for a ride in the countryside. Laura Lee told him she would love to, at least to get away from Queenies for a day. Abigail offered to teach her to ride.” You can learn on Goldie my horse, she is gentle and use to a woman’s touch.” Laura Lee told her she would like that. They all had some small talk and Laura Lee had to circulate the crowd. Billy advised it was near ten and he had to pick up Rose. Jesse walked by and gave Sean a strained look. After Billy left Abigail asked if she could gamble. There are tinhorn gamblers here Abigail and question their honesty. “Well I have two dollars to lose Sean and I want some fun. I know how to play poker Sean; I use to play with my brothers.” Sean took her to a table where the men did not seem to rowdy an asked if the Lady could play. The ambler said “All are welcome at my table as long as they have the funds. A man in a bowler jumped up and held out a chair. Ten cents in the pot and twenty five to open , You need at least a pair of jacks to open miss!” the gambler announced. Sean went over to the bar and drank a cold beer. Rose came over and put her hand on his back” I handsome want to sit at a table. “He said he would but he was here with someone and nodded towards Abigail. Chad wandered over and stood behind Abigail. Chad discretely pointed to Abigail and touched his nose when the gambler looked at him. Abigail picked up a couple of aces and raised the ante to a dollar. She laid down three cards and picked up another ace. She bet another dollar and that was all she had. A man with a bowler said sorry miss and bet ten dollars. Abigail sadly told the dealer she only had two dollars. Chad broke in and said she was good for it and to let her play. Abigail looked at Chad and found him a handsome man with a mysterious look of a gunslinger. She loved the attention she was getting. The game went on and the pot was fifty dollars. The man with the derby called and threw down three jacks. Abigail put her three aces down and the man in the derby said” Now I know lady luck. Abigail got up and thanked the man in the black clothes. She went over to Sean and saw Ruby. Ruby gave her a look of disgust and walked away.” Look Sean I won some money, a lot of money”. “My dad always told me to quit while I was ahead.” Sean told her that was good advice. They back to the table and before Sean could ask if she wanted something Chad brought over a bottle of Tequila with two small glasses and placed it on the table.’ For the lucky lady Sheriff, I hope you don’t mind. Sean was surprised and said “It’s alright Chad thank you.” Chad with his dark eyes looked into Abigail’s and she was flattered. They sat and talked about all sorts of issues. Rose was one topic and Abigail told Sean she admired his wanting to help her. The Tequila was strong and the talk loosened up. “Have you been with Ruby Sean?” He told her Ruby was a friend just a friend.” I can’t help who you chose for friends Sean.” Sean thought of Chad and thought the same. She told him of her father’s foreman and he was her friend. She looked to see if he was jealous. Sean instead told her that was nice. Abigail was a little agitated over this and the Tequila was not helping. Sean told her he had to go outside and would be back. Sean had to relieve himself. He no sooner got out the door and Ruby came over.” I don’t like you and if Sean wasn’t here I would tear your hair out Bitch!” Well don’t let that stop you whore!’ Abigail shouted. Ruby lunged for Abigail and Abby punched her in the jaw. They started rolling on the floor and Chad ran over.” Stop Ladies he commanded. Jessie came over and picked Ruby up she was kicking and cursing. Chad helped Abigail up and Ruby and Abigail stared art each other. Chad held Abigail’s shoulders and rubbed them with his thumbs.” Ruby told Abigail her day would come and walked off with Jesse. The crowd that had developed walked away as Sean arrived.” What’s going on here?” Sean asked Chad. Abigail’s blouse was pulled out of her riding pants and her hair was in disarray. Chad told Sean the lady tumbled off the chair by mistake. Laura Lee was singing and Abigail asked to go watch. Sean asked if they should leave as it was getting late. “Hell no Sean I am having a great time!” Men were all complementing Abigail while Laura Lee sang and Sean was worried about her.
Night Night
The ride home Abigail did not talk, she was trying to stay astride Goldie. They put their horses in the stable, careful not to awaken Charlie who slept in the back of it. Abigail was giggling on the way back, she had made many friends and the man in black was surely interesting. Sean noticed Roses boots besides the others and knew she made it home. After taking off their boots they went upstairs. Sean asked her to come to his room and she told him she was too exhausted and kissed him, just a short kiss on the lips but still she wanted to. She went inside and closed the door. She leaned her back against the door and knew she wanted to be with Sean tonight, but he must come to her. Besides, there seemed to be some interesting men in her life. Her head was spinning and she did not bother to get undressed but fell on her bed face down. She was soon asleep. Though it was late Molly and Rose were still awake in their room talking.
Saturday Morning came and everyone was at breakfast, Sean had gone to the jail as Sandy was not working today and had to take his place.. Abigail was telling of winning at poker at Queenies. Rose was not working today and Abigail was going to give her riding lessons. An Abe said he was going to meet Cal at the wild horse for checkers this afternoon. Abigail asked Rose who the man in black was. Rose told her he made sure everyone had a good time and got rid of trouble makers. She said she worked there and it wasn’t so bad but the last chance was terrible. Molly told her” You are out of that life Rose and need no explanations.” Belle brought out a bowl of eggs. Abigail told of getting a bottle of tequila from Chad and staying very late. Rose wished she had been there as she liked tequila. Rose asked if she and Sean had finished all the tequila and Abigail told her what was left was in her room. When everyone was talking Abigail asked in a whisper if Rose wanted some. Rose nodded. She told her to knock on her door anytime and they could have a drink and talk.There was a knock at the door. Jasmine went and answered it. Sandy was standing out there.” I just wanted to know if Rose needed to go anywhere today.” Jasmine told him to come in, but take off his boots. He went into the room and said hello to Rose and All at the table. Everyone knew why he had come. Abigail told him Rose was getting riding lessons and did he want to come along.” Sure thing, I bet Rose will be riding in no time. Jasmine told Rose she would give her reading lessons tonight. Abigail, Rose and Sandy went to the stables. Sandy had his chestnut horse with him Abigail brought Goldie out and was saddling her when Joaquin and his band trotted into town. Poncho rode over and asked Rose what she was doing in this part of town, and why she was not at the Last Chance. Rose told him she was not going to be there no more. Poncho laughed a sinister laugh and told Rose she would never leave the Last Chance and would be back .Sandy broke in and told Poncho to leave her alone.” Young pup you should not talk to me that way, Rose is anybody’s. Sandy put his hand on his gun. Joaquin yelled.”Come on Poncho, we will make Slade get another one.” “Do not waste a bullet on him.”
Knight Errant
Monday night at the Last Chance was very busy. The stage had come in with varied passengers. .Abe was having a checker game with a tinhorn from Boston nick named iron mike, a massive man who worked back east in an iron works. He had come west to pursue a blacksmith trade in the west. He had met Charlie Curry and would be doing various jobs for him as well as setting up a blacksmith business. About eight in the evening Poncho came in to the saloon and walked over to Rose who was talking with a couple of cowboys. When Poncho looked at them they decided to sit at a table. Poncho told Rose he wanted her to come with him. She refused and Poncho became belligerent. Poncho had stopped by Chan’s and had a small brown envelope containing opium. He promised it to her if she came back to the Last Chance with him. She told him she was out of that life and wanted him to leave her alone. Poncho began cursing her in Spanish. Abe ever the knight errant went to her aid.” Sit down old man, I do not want to waste my time on you!” with that he pushed Abe away. Iron Mike came to Abe’s side and told Poncho he had better leave or he would stomp him into a mud hole. Rufus came over with a shotgun he had cut the barrels short and waved it towards Poncho. Poncho knew the deck was against him and spit on the floor in front of Abe.” “We shall settle this at a later time old man!” Poncho threatened. After Poncho left Iron Mike and Abe went back to their game. Rufus calmed Rose down as she was scared nine thirty Abe began his trek back to Belles for the evening. Abe had no horse and enjoyed the nightly walk. Poncho hid in the shadows
Mount up men!
It was Sandy that found Abe’s body. He was on his way to the Wild Horse to escort Rose home and he spotted a form slumped beside the Mercantile. At first he thought it was a cowpoke that drank too much. Upon further inspection he saw it was Abe and his shirt was covered in blood. Abe was dead and he had been viciously stabbed to death. He knew the sheriff and Billy would be meeting at the jail for their patrol to the last Chance and Queenies. He had a cowboy who was trotting by on his horse get the Doc. Sandy raced his horse to the jail and found Sean and Billy inside. He told them what had happened. “Take the shotguns and mount up!” Sean told his deputies. They rode to The Wild Horse and were told by Rufus of the threats by Poncho. Rose overheard and started crying .Sandy tried to console Rose but Sean told him they had to arrest Poncho. He told Rufus to keep Rose there until they return. Cal came running into the saloon and was looking for blood. Sean told him they were going to arrest the suspected killer. Cal wanted to go and Sean knew there would be no stopping him.” Raise your hand Cal I will deputize you into our posse. Big Mike came over and he too was deputized.” “Let’s get Abe some justice!” Sean said as they left the saloon Billy handed mike his shotgun as Mike was unarmed.
Posse Justice

The last chance had several horses outside when the posse arrived. Sean felt one horse and it was all lathered up. When they entered Joaquin, Poncho and three others were sitting at a table in the rear of the saloon. Sean raised his shotgun towards Slade and told him to get out. Joaquin hearing this stood up. Sean backed by his posse told Poncho to stand and he was under arrest. Poncho stood as did the others.”What do you want gringo?” Sean told him he was taking him in for murdering Abe. Joaquin said” He has been here all night my friend.” “You are under arrest Poncho; take off your gun belt. Poncho made like he was unbuckle ling it when he reached for his weapon. Sean pulled the trigger on his shotgun and the blast tore into poncho lifting him off his feet. Joaquin pulled his weapon out and shot Sean in the leg one of the banditos shot Sandy in the arm before Iron Mike let loose with the short barreled shotgun, ending the bandit’s life. Billy drew his gun and fanned the trigger shooting a bandit in the stomach and the other in the head. Joaquin had dropped to the floor and made it to the rear door of the saloon. The posse was more worried about Sean and Sandy then Joaquin’s exit. Gun smoke in the saloon could be tasted in ones mouth. Poncho lay on the floor with a gaping wound which entrails had poured out. Billy told Mike to get a wagon quickly in town and bring it out “If you see the Doc bring him with you. Billy took of his shirt and tore it into pieces. He tied one long piece around Sean’s leg below the wound. Sandy was in better shape and held a piece to his arm. He was grimacing in pain. Sean asked” Did we get Joaquin?” Billy said “ He got away but I think we are rid of him “ Joaquin was riding hell bent to escape to Mexico
When Sean was examined by the doctor, it was found to be a flesh wound in his leg as a certain derringer he had in his pants pocket had deflected the bullet leaving a four inch scar that had to be stitched. Sandy had a bullet pass through the fleshy part of his arm leaving the lawmen a luck pair indeed. They remained in the Docs office overnight to sleep and no visitors were permitted, though Abigail and Rose put up a ruckus to see them. Billy went to the jailhouse and was helped by Cal and Mike who were still deputized. Domingo came in and was told to bury the outlaws, but do so away from decent folks. Five dollars was the fee as no wooden coffins would be needed and no words would be said. The night came and the door opened. There stood with the aid of a crutch sheriff Sean O’Malley. ”Came for my Tequila boys!” Sean told them he was sore but had something to do.” Sandy will be here in the morning, though he will not go on patrol for at least two weeks. Sean retrieved the bottle of Tequila and walked out.
Abigail was in her room lying on her bed. She was crying and wanted to see Sean. She heard a thump, thump, thump outside her door and then a tapping. She opened the door and there was Sean with a Tequila bottle in one hand and freshly picked flower in the other.” Can I come in Kitten?” Sean asked. Abigail was speechless, and stepped aside so Sean could enter. Sean had come to her despite being in pain. She lit a lamp at the table in her room. She shared a couple of small glasses of tequila and he told her of the shootout. He told her he knew she had came to the doc’s and wanted to see her so he left despite the doctor telling o lie down. “Abigail I have had trouble with my love life in the past and was scared to get to close to you. She put a hand on his “I was afraid you were just using me.” They talked for an hour and when they went to the bed Seam fell asleep as soon as his head lay on the pillow. Abigail looked at him for a long time then fell asleep herself. The birds outside were chirping when Abigail awoke and her man was still there. She thought she was the luckiest woman in the world having found true love .


NOTE: The above is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places or events is entirely coincidental. The following is the sole intellectual property of the author (unless otherwise noted) and should not be distributed or altered without permission of the author. The author does not necessarily support or condone the actions or opinions of the characters

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